Monday, August 23, 2010

Article Review of CALL in China and its Common Issues

Citation of the Article

Huo, M. L. (2007). Computer Assisted Language Learning in China: Some Common Issues. US-China Foreign Language Journal , 53-58.

Liu Meng, H. H. (2007, January 12). COmputer Assisted Language Learning in China: Some Common Issues. Retrieved August 20, 2010, from US-China Foreign Language Journal:

Article Review

The article that I have chosen for my review is an article featured in the US-China Foreign Language Journal, entitled Computer Assisted Language Learning in China: Some Common Issues. The article was featured in the Volume 5, of the number 1 (Serial Number 40), published in the month of January 2007. The writers of the article were Liu Meng and Huo Hong, of the School of Foreign Languages, Yangzhou University, China.

The article is mainly a theoretical paper that focuses on the implementation of Computer Assisted Language Learning (CALL), in College English education by the Chinese Ministry of Education. The article looks into related literature in which is linked towards the application of Computer Assisted Language Learning (CALL) and provides recommendations on the improvement of its implementation in the education system.

The main ideas that are emphasized in the article is that, there are two (2) distinct views that see the implementation of CALL in a different point of view, the traditionalist position and the progressive view. The traditionalist position view CALL, as merely an addition or a supplementary role, and teachers’ role remains as the sole provider of knowledge in the language classroom. The progressive view, looks into the matter onto which the teachers role as obsolete and should work together with technology advancements in order to continue teaching English. The progressive view looks at the teacher as not the only sole provider in knowledge in the modern world of science and technology.

The article looks into improving the implementation of CALL by supporting several main points. From this comes the view of computers-as-tutors and computers-as-tool, become central to the argument of implementing CALL. Investment of resources is also an issue in the views of creating and maintaining the continuity of CALL in the College English. The article also looks into the view of creating more creative teachers whom are with the ability to adopt the use of technology, multimedia and CALL software in their teaching through proper training. The computer is also seen as a tool that looks into individualized learning through the convenience of time and the convenience of location. Computers are present everywhere and can be used to utilize learning. Asynchronous issues regarding the computers inability to cater to language for a more synchronous concept becomes a real issue with program developers in teaching language skills in lessons.

Through the article, the writers have made several suggestions to improve the implementation of CALL in learning. They suggested that they view the increase in terms of resources as a vital part towards the implementation of CALL, in terms of tools and technology. The second suggestions looks into educating theories into teachers from local and foreign CALL users in their daily teaching to improve the effectiveness of teaching using the technology provided. The writers suggested that the program is to be improved by using software that is created by software designers who are aware of the university’s unique needs in learning the English language. The assessment of students is also an issue that needs to be sort out to suit the new vision and goal of education to implement a more effective CALL based language learning. Finally, the writers looks into the need to educate teacher and students to be aware of the technology used and instill a certain degree of computer skills to help create a more effective environment for language learning.


The article looks into the need of CALL in the education of College English in China. The article/concept paper is interesting to me, as the writers are able to identify problems which are common in most countries around the world in terms of implementing education with the use of CALL. Language learning is an ever changing field in which no one, especially language learners and teachers alike, can afford to be left behind.

Personally, the article may be a representation of a select few, but some of the issues that are presented by the writers are current and true, to some extent to the situation that I myself are facing. For instance, the issue of the need to be technologically savvy is an issue that jumps out to me even at a personal level. The writers also views the need for teachers to be technologically savvy is also a view that is shared by me as a future teacher. The question remains, should it be that due to the teachers’ inability to adopt language and technology and create a more conducive and current language learning environment, be jeopardized by the teachers’ inability?

In my opinion, the paper should be conducted at a more global level, in particular focusing on the implementation of CALL in developing and third world countries. The paper should also look into the implementation of CALL in the language learning of weaker students in which most of us have forgotten in the pursuit of chasing technology. The article is wholesome in the view of the implementation of CALL as it puts emphasis on the pedagogical implications of the implementation of CALL.

In my opinion, the major implication of the article looks into the relevance of CALL as a teaching tool in language learning through several views given in the article backed by major contributor of CALL specialists. It does not only focus on the relevance of keeping with the times, but rather on the necessity of using CALL in learning. In the eyes of Malaysians can help to improve the use of the already available CALL tool available in most schools in Malaysia. For many in Malaysia, many are already aware of the technological conveniences that are already available in schools, and through this article many should be able to digest onto how lucky we are, to have such technology at school rather than making it exclusively available in higher learning institutions alone.

Tuesday, August 10, 2010

My Podcast Activity Post..

I was pondering for days onto what I could post for my blog for the podcast section..
Due to the delay of days pondering the outcome of the podcast activty..Mohd Zulfahmi has given me a great idea onto how to do the activity for my podcast..

Thank You Fahmi..!

So what I did was take a song, on mixpod, for FREE!! and post it on my blog..
I chose a very appropriate song for this post suitable to the ears and the mood of learning..
so I came up with the song by Miley Cyrus entitled the Climb..

and in the section below, I have included the activity sheets that can be incoporated with the song..enjoy and happy learning!!!

Miley Cyrus - The Climb

I ____ almost see it
That dream I ____ dreaming,
But there's a voice ____ my head saying,
"You'll never reach it"
Every step I'm _____,
Every move I make _____,
Lost with no _____,
My faith is ______,
_____ I got to keep trying,
Got to ____ my head held high,
There's always going to be ____ mountain,
I'm always going to make it ____,
Its always _____ to be an uphill battle,
______ I'm going to have to lose..
Find the meaning of the word:
With the words given in the above, create five (5) sentences with each of the word given.
Have Fun!!

Saturday, August 7, 2010

Podcast..A Teacher With Connections

What would a classroom be without a teacher?

What would a classroom be without learning from a teacher?

What would a classroom be without the assistance of a teacher?

When technology appears to have replaced the need of the teacher, then comes the newest (to me..) technology in teaching known as the Podcast..

for a person like me, who in my own personal opinion, who does not recognize the difference between an mp3 and a Sony Walkman, a Podcast may sound familiar to you as to what an iPod is or the pods in Star Wars..

A Podcast..hmm...

But no ladies and gentleman..a Podcast are not those things..

A Podcast is known as an "audio (or video) program in which is made available on the web, and is frequently updated on regular intervals.." (Sze, 2006)..

famous Podcasts made available for the fellow users whom seek the help of Podcasts are those made available by CNN, BBC and also your ever friendly football channel of ESPN soccernet..

it is very easy to use, if your looking to use it in language classrooms..a tried and tested tactic into finding the correct podcast is just to Google or Yahoo search the podcast that may interest you..

Narrow your search by typing podcast+any skill of your choice and Presto! you have our podcast..

In my opinion, the purpose, function and the ease of use that is made available through the usage of a podcast can never take away the dynamics made available by the original and classic option of having a teacher..